Submissions for the 2025 Awards are now welcome.
Enter now – find out how to submit your books below.
Deadline: January 31, 2025
The Awards: Celebrating excellence in photography and moving image publishing
The annual Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards recognise individuals or groups of individuals who, in the opinion of the Judges, have made an outstanding original or lasting contribution to the art and practice of photography or the moving image through the medium of the book. Two winning titles are selected; one in the field of photography and one in the field of the moving image (including film, television and digital media).
Awards Timeline
The Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards take place annually. Submissions to the 2025 Awards are now welcome.
– The deadline for submission of the entry form and digital files is Friday, January 31, 2025.
The long and shortlisted titles are usually announced in the Spring and the winners are normally announced in early summer. Events celebrating the 2025 awards will take place in Autumn 2025. The date and format of the 2025 Award events will be confirmed here so please check back or sign up to our newsletter to receive updates.
Books are required to meet the following criteria:
- The book must be published between the 1 January and 31 December 2024. The copyright date on the colophon determines the publication year.
- The book must be published, distributed or available to buy (including online) in the UK.
- Non-English language books must be accompanied by an English language translation of all text. English language translations first published within the qualifying period are eligible.
- Submissions in the Photography Book award category must contain a significant textual element (image-only books are not eligible).
- Submissions are welcome from publishers, authors, collectives and individuals self-publishing their work. Self-published titles must have been released in a minimum print run of 100 copies.
- Publishers may submit up to six different titles.
- New editions of books are eligible. However, reprints or revised books should have a significant amount of new material, and the original or earlier editions should not have been previously long-listed for the awards.
How to enter
Submissions for the Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards for 2025 are welcome. Entries are invited from publishers, authors, collectives and individuals self-publishing their work.
There is no entry fee.
If you would like to enter a book, you will need to do the following:
- Complete the submission form
- Supply a digital sample or pdf of the book
- Supply 5 high resolution files from the book (including the book cover)
- Send 3 hard copies of the submitted title (once eligibility is confirmed). These are non-returnable.
Download the submission form as a pdf here or as a .docx file here.
Download the Award terms and conditions here.
How will the books be judged?
The judging panel will consist of three internationally recognised experts in their specialist fields. There are separate panels for the photography and moving image awards. Previous judges have been drawn from the worlds of fine art, photography, film, galleries, museums, academia and publishing.
The 2025 Award Judges will be announced in the new year. The names of previous judges can be found here.
In the opinion of the judges, winning books should make a significant contribution to the art, history, research, criticism, science or conservation of photography or the moving image. In addition to the visual and written content, submissions are judged on the standards of production, format and design.
From the total submissions, a long list of ten books is selected in each category by the judges. This is then reduced to shortlists of three, from which two final winning publications are chosen. The author/s or editor/s of each winning book receive a £5,000 cash prize.